Is the adventure of breastfeeding twins really possible?

Becoming a mother is a wonderful experience, but the arrival of twins can seem overwhelming. Among the many doubts that can arise, one of the most common concerns is breastfeeding: “Can I really breastfeed two babies at the same time?”. The answer is yes, and it is not only possible, but also extremely rewarding. That is why it is worth trying.
The benefits of breastfeeding twins
1) Optimal nutrition: breast milk is the best food for babies, providing all the essential nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong. When you breastfeed twins, your body is able to produce milk for both, providing them with a balanced, natural diet.
2) Special connection: breastfeeding creates a unique bond between mother and baby. This bond is amplified with twins, offering precious moments of closeness and contact that strengthen your relationship.
3) Development of the immune system: breast milk contains antibodies that help protect babies from infections and diseases. By breastfeeding your babies, you help fortify their immune systems from the first days of life.
Practical tips for breastfeeding twins
1) Organisation and patience: the key is to find a rhythm that works for you and your babies. There is no magic formula, but with patience and practice, you will find out how best to manage meals for both of them.
2) Breastfeeding positions: there are several positions that can facilitate simultaneous breastfeeding. The “double cradle” or “rugby” are among the most popular. Try different ones to find the one that is most comfortable for you and your babies.
3) Support and resources: don’t hesitate to ask for help. IBCLC lactation consultants and support groups can offer valuable advice and encouragement. Sharing experiences with other mothers of twins can be especially reassuring and motivating. (Read more about Molly’s story below)
Taking care of you is important
Breastfeeding two children is demanding, so it is essential to also take care of yourself, making sure you rest when possible, eat nutritious food and hydrate properly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from partners, family or friends to handle other daily tasks.
Embrace the breastfeeding experience
Breastfeeding twins may seem like a challenge, but with determination and the right support, it is an entirely attainable goal. Every drop of breast milk you offer your little ones is an invaluable gift to their health and well-being. Embrace this wonderful adventure with confidence and serenity, knowing that you are doing the best for your babies.
Remember, you are stronger than you think and have all the potential to cope with this extraordinary experience! Happy breastfeeding!
Words from Molly, a mum like you!
I think I actually was very open to feeding the babies however I could but was lucky that I started pumping the day after they were born and the milk came in after 2-3 days… then i just kept pumping cause it was all that I felt that I could really do for the babies when they were in intensive care! I kept a schedule at first to try to pump 6 times a day (every 4 hours or so) and then after a while I didn’t need to keep the schedule anymore cause my breasts would fill up and start hurting if I didn’t pump! We were able to freeze a lot of milk while also feeding both babies in intensive care! We use some of the frozen milk now to supplement pumped milk for night feedings as franco gives the babies bottles of expressed milk twice in the night so that I can rest, and I do one feeding at night 🙂
I keep breastfeeding cause I feel like it’s good for my babies and I enjoy the time to bond with them each. It’s really hard work and I’ve had to readjust my routine a bit and let others help with household things to reduce stress and allow me to spend more time with the babies. I thought about giving formula a few times because I thought it would free me to do other things / not be attached to the babies all the time but have decided that I will continue to breastfeed and pump for as long as I can feed the babies as it really is a great gift to give them!
I think two of the hardest things I’ve been dealing with twins is 1) breastfeeding both and 2) cuddling them both / soothing them. I got a breastfeeding pillow which is specific for twins and it has helped a lot with the positioning. I use the pillow in our bed, as it is easiest to move the babies from their crib to our bed (first checking their diaper, then placing each one in the bed and then positioning myself with the pillow and lifting each baby to each side of the pillow to position them in the double rugby hold). This position works best for feeding if both babies are hungry at the same time.
The second thing that has been difficult is soothing both babies. There are times after they finish eating that they are very awake / alert and I try to play with them / do tummy time but they grow overtired and I must then soothe both of them. I have learned different ways to hold both babies and rock them/sing to them to calm them and get them to sleep. (This photo is one way that I hold both babies).

This is also how I get the babies down the elevator in our apartment building on my own, I put one in the fascia and I hold the other until I get down the elevator and can put them in their stroller which we keep on the ground floor

Holding one baby in the fascia and feeding the other one 😂