Choosing midwifery care during your pregnancy can help you put your well-being at the forefront, as well as increase your chances of having a more personal and natural birth experience.
I will work collaboratively with you and your family to make sure that your unique physical, emotional, and environmental needs are met every step of the way.
My role is to promote and protect normal physiological pregnancy processes, check mum and baby’s wellbeing and to do routine checks recommended by National Guidelines.
Being a midwife means to work in partnership with women. I can help you to strengthen your capabilities, supporting your preferences and offering continuity of care every step of the way.
To assess your and your baby wellbeing. We will plan together the best care path for you through active listening, support, screening and health checks.
Based on your needs and possibilities, you can freely choose whether to have monthly visits or whether to book a “consultation on request” when you feel you need it the most.