The Physiological Pregnancy Guidelines of the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) recommend that “women with physiological pregnancy should be offered a care plan based on midwifery care”. Midwifery care, especially with continuity of care, is associated with greater care satisfaction by women and better maternal/foetal outcomes.
A midwife is, in fact, the most appropriate healthcare professional to provide the necessary care for women and newborns in in the context of physiology and, above all, to provide continuity of care through pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and newborn care.
In this in-depth article, I will outline five good reasons for choosing midwifery care.
1) Because it provides woman-centred care
Midwifery care places the woman at the centre of her experience.
- It focuses on the woman’s individual needs and expectations, rather than on the needs of the institution or the practitioner
- Recognises the need for women to have choice, control and continuity from a health professional
- Facilitates informed choice
- Recognises the woman’s competence in decision-making
2) Because it promotes a physiological approach to pregnancy
Midwives’ main role is to promote and protect normal physiological processes with the competence to anticipate and prevent complications.
With the support of a midwife, you will learn how to trust and respect your body’s natural capabilities.
You will receive all the appropriate information, encouragement and emotional support and be reassured about the progress of your pregnancy and the well-being of your baby.
3) Because it reduces invasive interventions
Midwifery care is strongly associated with a reduction in interventions during pregnancy and birth and is statistically more likely to be associated with a positive birth experience.
Evidence shows that midwifery-led care is associated with improved maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Several studies have found that women receiving midwifery care are more likely to have spontaneous labour and vaginal delivery, less likely to have pharmacological analgesia or operative delivery.
4) Because it is family-oriented
The midwife works in partnership with you and your family to ensure that your physical, emotional and social needs are met every step of the way.
It is also very important that partners participate in the experience. A well-informed partner is a great resource in the delivery room, to support you during your pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.
A partner’s support during pregnancy and birth can enrich and deepen the relationship and the bond with the baby.
5) Because it ensures continuity of care
The World Health Organisation recommends that every pregnant woman should be cared for by a midwife following a continuity of care model.
Scientific evidence clearly shows that continuity of midwifery care is beneficial to both women and babies. Women report feeling more empowered, more satisfied with their care, safer during pregnancy, labour, delivery and in the postnatal period, and more positive about a range of factors.
Live your pregnancy as a positive experience, contact me to find out more!